Storm Eunice 18th February 2022 – School Closure

Dear Parent / Carer,

Please see below an email from the Director of Education notifying us that all schools in Pembrokeshire will be closed tomorrow due to the severe weather conditions.  Work will be provided for pupils.  This will be accessible from their Class Microsoft Team / Class Dojo.  Further information regarding arrangements for next half term will be issued early next week.

In the meantime, If you have any queries please email

Wishing you all a restful half-term.

Best wishes,

Mrs Rachael Thomas

Acting Headteacher

Prynhawn Da / Good afternoon

 Bydd ysgolion Sir Benfro ar gau fory (18.2.22) oherwydd y rhagolygon ar gyfer gwyntoedd cryfion ar hyd y sir.

Gallai’r gwyntoedd hynny gyrraedd rhwng 70-80 milltir yr awr, gydag hyrddiadau cryfach fyth. Mae gwybodaeth wedi’n cyrraedd gan y Fforwm Gwytnwch Lleol (Local Resilience Forum) ynghyd â sefydliadau megis Llywodraeth Cymru, y Swyddfa Dywydd a Chyfoeth Naturiol Cymru bod yr amodau o ganlyniad i’r tywydd yn debygol o achosi difrod sylweddol i adeiladau, gan wneud teithio’n beryglus.

 Nid ydym am gymryd risgiau di-angen o ran diogelwch plant, pobl ifanc a staff.  Bydd disgyblion yn medru parhau gyda’u dysgu gartref, gydag ysgolion yn gosod tasgau pwrpasol ar gyfer 18.2.22 Dylai pob disgybl a aelod o staff aros gartref.

 Cadwch yn ddiogel os gwelwch yn dda. 

 Pembrokeshire Schools will be closed tomorrow (18.2.22) due to the very high winds forecast across the county.

Winds could reach up to 70-80 miles per hour, with stronger gusts possible. Information has been provided by the Local Resilience Forum, and organisations such as Welsh Government, Met Office and Natural Resources Wales that the conditions as a result of the storm are highly likely to cause significant damage to buildings and travelling in such conditions would be dangerous.

We do not wish to take any unnecessary risks and compromise the safety of children, young people and staff. Pupils will be able to continue with their learning at home with schools setting appropriate tasks for the 18.2.22.

 All pupils and staff should stay at home. 

Please keep safe.


Steven Richards-Downes

Director for Education Cyfarwyddwr Addysg