Road Safety during Lockdown
Road Safety during Lockdown
We have put together a “Kerbcraft at Home” information pack for parents/guardians to teach their children important Road Safety pedestrian skills whilst they are taking their daily walks.
Kerbcraft is normally delivered to 5-7 Year olds, but it is a resource that is suitable for all year groups.
Road Safety during Lockdown
Explore Post-16 Options with Virtual Open Week
Year 11 learners and their parents/carers will be able to explore potential post-16 options during a Pembrokeshire Virtual Open Week next month.
The Pembrokeshire Virtual Open Week runs between June 1st and June 5th and provides an opportunity to consider post-16 education, training and employment pathway options.
During the week, learners can meet course tutors from Pembrokeshire post-16 providers online at and find out more information about courses including AS/A Levels, vocational qualifications such as BTECs, and Work Based Training routes including both Traineeships and Apprenticeships.
There will also be opportunities to sample taster sessions in the learner’s chosen vocational sector.
If you’re not sure what your next step should be, the Virtual Open Week will be a great opportunity to ask questions and figure out what courses are available to best suit your needs and aspirations.
Careers Wales Advisors will be available for live chat during the week to offer impartial information, advice and guidance to help you choose the right pathway to meet your needs.
For the latest advice and press releases relating to coronavirus, please view:
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Letter home Years 6 – 11 1st May 2020
Lent Term Newsletter 2020
Pembrokeshire County Council Childcare Arrangements 26.03.20
Video Tutorial – How to access Microsoft Teams
Video Tutorial – How to access Microsoft Teams – User must be signed into their HWB account to access.
Letter Home to Parents 23rd March 2020
Important revised data protection information for parents, carers and learners
Important revised data protection information for parents, carers and learners
Due to the impact of COVID-19 on education in Wales and following the announcement by the Minister for Education that schools will close, at the latest on 20 March 2020, Welsh Government is taking immediate steps to allow all learners to access Hwb Additional Services.
The Welsh Government believes that it is in the public interest to ensure EVERY learner in maintained schools in Wales has full access to Hwb so that schools can use the distance learning tools available.
Please see the full text in our news article
Gwybodaeth ddiwygiedig bwysig ar ddiogelu data i rieni, gofalwyr a dysgwyr
Oherwydd effaith COVID-19 ar addysg yng Nghymru, ac yn dilyn y cyhoeddiad gan y Gweinidog Addysg bod ysgolion yn cau ar 20 Mawrth 2020, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cymryd camau ar unwaith i roi i bob dysgwr fynediad at Wasanaethau Ychwanegol Hwb.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru o’r farn ei bod er budd y cyhoedd i sicrhau bod POB dysgwr mewn ysgolion a gynhelir yng Nghymru yn cael mynediad llawn at Hwb fel y gall ysgolion ddefnyddio’r offer dysgu o bell sydd ar gael.
Gweler y testun llawn yn ein herthygl newyddion